5 minutes walk from Healing inn! Endo Sushi Central Market Branch

(Noda)Around Inn

Rumored sushi restaurant

When we started Healing inn Osaka Fukushima (a private accommodation facility), we often heard the name of this sushi restaurant.

The name is “Endo Sushi”.

Osaka Central Market is about a 3-minute walk from Healing inn.

It is one of the sushi restaurants in the area, and there is always a line.

I arrived on a weekday morning, but had to wait in line for about 40 minutes.
It was evident that the restaurant is very popular.

After waiting while looking at my cell phone, it was finally my turn.

I am excited because I have waited quite a while.

I ordered sushi right away!

The best!
This is how I felt the moment the sushi came out.

It already looks delicious from the outside.

Moreover, instead of dipping the sushi in soy sauce, the style is to apply soy sauce!

I’m excited to try this new way of eating sushi.

I put some soy sauce on the sushi and took a bite.

Ummm, it’s delicious~・・・・.

As you can tell just by looking at the sushi, the ingredients are fresh, as you would expect from a market.
I ate it in no time.

We ordered a second plate. (If you don’t say you don’t want the next plate, a plate with sushi on it will come out one after another. The price is also added.)

We enjoyed this dish as well.

Shopping at Osaka Central Wholesale Market?

Osaka Central Wholesale Market is where Endo Sushi is located.
The current central wholesale market was established in 1931 as the parent market of the public market.

The market itself has actually been in existence since Hideyoshi Toyotomi, a famous Sengoku warlord, built Osaka Castle.
Gradually, the market developed to the point that famous markets such as “Tenma,” “Zakoba,” “Utsubo,” “Kizu,” and “Namba” were established.
Later, the market supported the city of Osaka, known as “the kitchen of the nation” during the Edo period, overcame wars and other crises, and has survived to the present day.

Unfortunately, the Osaka Central Wholesale Market is basically closed to general customers for shopping.
(Some stores seem to allow it.)

However, it seems that tours are accepted.
Osaka Central Wholesale Market Tour Guide
It seems that you need to make a reservation in advance, so please check carefully before visiting the market!

Name: Endo Sushi
Address: 1-1-86 Noda, Fukushima-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 553-0005

Name : Osaka Central Wholesale Market
Address: 1-1-86 Noda, Fukushima-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 553-0005
